Sustainability Actions of Eric Moore Partnership Medical Practice


Actions of Eric Moore Partnership Medical Practice

This clock counts down to a critical point for our planet’s climate.
Take action with us to ensure a sustainable future.

We are committed to being a sustainable practice and reducing our environmental impact. We believe that everyone has a role to play in protecting our planet, and we encourage our patients to join us in our efforts.

What are we doing to be more sustainable? 

Our key areas of focus for sustainability are: 
1 – Supporting Health & Wellbeing

2 – Reducing prescribing

3 – Reducing waste and increasing recycling

4 – Reducing our use of paper

5 – Embedding Green impact into our organisational culture

6 – improving our energy efficiency

7 – implementing our lighting responsibility plan

8 – promoting sustainable transport

9 – sourcing food and drink responsibly and avoiding use of plastic where possible

10 – implanting the NUS/RCGP Green Impact Toolkit

Here are some examples of work we are undertaking on these key areas: 

1- Supporting health and wellbeing 

Promoting workplace health and wellbeing 

Providing resources on our website for patients to support their health and wellbeing  

Vice and support via our clinics and services  pages on the website 

Promoting a series of health and wellbeing campaigns each year, for example on specific topics such as alcohol use or on seasonal health issues such as the flu vaccination 

2- Reducing prescribing 

Where possible, the Practice is reducing polypharmacy and over prescribing. We will only reduce medications in the best interest of the patient and may also be able to promote other ways you can help manage your condition, for example through diet, exercise and support groups. Using other forms of support can help reduce the need for, or the amount of, medication prescribed – which is good for you and good for the planet. 

3- Reducing waste and increasing recycling 

Ensuring only confidential waste is collected for shredding 

All other paper recycled 

Clearly labelled bins in clinic rooms for domestic / confidential / sharps / clinical waste 

Recycling plastic bottles 

Recycle  other materials, including cardboard, printer toner cartridges and batteries 

Encouraging patients to consider switching inhaler use to more 

4- Reducing our use of paper 

We are a paperless Practice where possible 

Setting photocopiers to print double sided by default 

Photocopiers are able to scan and email documents, to reduce printing 

Email signatures include the ‘think before you print’ logo  

Patient communication uses paperless systems where possible  

Online forms being introduced to website and  their use to be increased  

5- Embedding Green Impact into our organisational culture 

Sustainability is one of our core values 

We ask staff to reflect on how they have helped sustainability as part of our appraisals 

Green Impact is a standing item on agendas for meetings 

We regularly ask our staff to feedback ideas for improvement 

6- Improving our energy efficiency 

Equipment is turned off at the end of each day 

Lighting is on motion sensors 

Use of water heaters for making tea and coffee, instead of kettles 

7- Implementing our lighting responsibility plan

All lights are fitted with sensors 

Staff take responsibility for switching lights off when not needed or when leaving a room at the end of a session / day 

Clear labelling on light switches to make it easier to turn areas of lighting off 

Staff responsible for closing building at the end of the day undertake a building sweep to ensure all area lighting is turned off 

8- Promoting sustainable transport 

Walk or cycle to the Practice for your appointments where possible – we have cycle racks here that you are welcome to use. 

Use public transport where possible – to get to your appointments at the practice or elsewhere.  

9- Sourcing food and drink responsibly and avoiding plastic where possible

Commitment to sourcing Fairtrade  / local / healthy refreshments when possible 

Sharing food as a team, with regular ‘bring and share’ lunch days 

Reducing single use plastic 

Sourcing plastic free tea bags 

Using refill bottles for washing up liquid 

10- Implementing the NUS/RCGP Green Impact Toolkit 

Our Whole Practice is committed to achieving the NUS / RCGP Green Impact Award  

Commitment to support the National Green Impact Agenda to reduce carbon emissions in line with the 2030 United Nations Sustainability Development Goals  

Find out what you can do to be more sustainable 

As well as the things we are doing as a Practice to be more sustainable, we are encouraging patients to be more sustainable too. Below are some ideas of small, often health related, changes you can make which can help the environment, and which can also often save you money too. 

If you have other ideas about what we can do as a Practice to be more sustainable please let us know. Likewise if you’ve thoughts on what patients can do more or less of to help the environment we would love to hear from you.  

Sustainability has become  a standing agenda item on Patient Participation Group meetings. 

Reducing the use of single use plastic and sourcing food and drink responsibly 

You can reduce your use of single use plastic by using a refillable water bottle 

You might also want to think about other ways to reduce your use of plastic – some websites to visit include Plastic Free Challenge and City To Sea

One of the biggest environmental impacts you can have as an individual is to reduce the amount of meat and dairy you eat. If you want to try this, even on just one or two days of the week, there is lots of support available to you. Take a look at Veganuary and Meat Free Monday for ideas if you’re interested in this or try something like Dairy Free Tuesdays. There are lots of recipes online to inspire you if you want to make small changes to what you eat.  

Where possible, buy Fair Trade products because, as well as ensuring decent working conditions, terms of trade and prices for producers, it also ensures local sustainability where products are grown / produced. 

Reducing waste and increasing recycling

Using sustainable transport 

Reducing the use of paper 

Reducing prescribing 

Supporting health and wellbeing